Student Organizations

At this time, we are not requiring student organizations to migrate their sites to the new University content management system. Usually Student Activities maintains a page with links to various organizations.  In time, after we have the colleges and departments in the new format, we will take another look at Student Organization sites to see if those will also be added to the content management system.

Web Services recommends that you continue to maintain your organization’s site as you currently do but request that it be linked to the Student Activities page for easier access.

Student Organization websites must be in English and must include the following information:
  • Official name of the organization
  • List of current officers
  • Purpose of the organization
  • Meeting times and places
  • Events, programs, etc.
  • Faculty advisor, name, office location and telephone number
  • Constitution of the organization
  • Link on bottom of organization home page to the USA home pages (
  • E-mail address of the organization webmaster on the bottom of the organization home page
  • Date last changed on the bottom of the organization home page

Personal Gain

Official pages cannot be created for personal business or personal gain.

Official pages for both academic and service departments must not be used to advertise products or services from outside organizations without approval from USA officials. Requests to include advertising should be submitted to the University Webmaster for referral to appropriate University officials. Examples of such advertising include, but are not limited to, display of vendor logos or other advertising in exchange for the use of "free" software.

For example, advertising is often included with hit counters provided by outside organizations. Since generic hit counters are available on the USA Web Server, hit counters that include advertising from outside organizations are prohibited.

Official pages will be reviewed for Web Policies compliance, style, appearance and appropriateness. Subsequent changes to official pages are likewise governed by these Web Policies. Failure to comply with these Web Policies will result in the removal of the USA unit's web pages from the USA web server or removal of the link from the University website.

You May Not

  • Include the USA Home Page(s),, in a subordinate frame within a web site using frames. USA Home Pages must always be started as a new page.